We are dedicated to helping families to leave messages for their loved ones, so children have fabulous and supportive memories and messages.

Gaby – Founder and Director

Gaby Eirew is a leader in supporting people to live well and to leave messages for their loved ones, especially their children. Gaby is a specialist in wellbeing, preventing and reducing trauma. She studied at Durham University, City University,  Victim Support Services UK and Brandeis Bardin USA. With a strong focus on children and families, Gaby has studied and worked in reducing trauma and end of life support. Gaby has managed large children’s charities and has written books on reducing children’s trauma. A researching social zeitgeister, Gaby and her team researches to understand, and approach death and dying in novel supportive ways, that might be helpful.

For RecordMeNow, a lack of research on, and support for, bereaved children, led Gaby to spend over 5 years researching full-time what over 100 people, who were bereaved as children, wished that they had known from or about their parents, so children in a similar situation, might be supported in the future.

As well as running RecordMeNow.org day to day, and supporting the helpline and app, Gaby gives keynote talks worldwide; fundamentally believing in sharing research and good practice. Her work propels people towards closure and empowerment. RecordMeNow’s free app fulfils a wish “for everyone to leave something for their children: Early parental death is so profound – your children will never need your wisdom and support more.” Gaby has been a visiting children’s expert on BBC, ITN, and Sky News. She has assisted many not-for-profit organizations.  She has given a keynote speech at the Global ALS Alliance Symposium in Brussels, and workshops at the Canadian Palliative Care Conference in Calgary.  Gaby & RecordMeNow won the Research Poster at the BC Palliative Care Conference and Gaby became a UK Woman of the Year 2013. She has previously been awarded the Charity Times/Marks and Spencer Charity of the Year Award and a GlaxoSmithKline IMPACT Award.

Gaby Eirew is  co-author of a new book LAP OF HONOUR-  A no fear guide to living well with dying which gives a positive approach and practical steps to guide people living with  life-limiting conditions – when life is particularly precious; it covers everything from how to tell your children, to how to travel, what is good to eat and how to plan a celebration of life. 

James Leong – Lawyer

James Leong does our painstaking legal drafting for the company, app, website, society; intact everything legal… Attentive and very kind, James is a corporate commercial and securities lawyer.

Dr Peter Eirew – Cancer Researcher

Peter is a cancer researcher who contributed hugely to the design of the app. A Cambridge, Imperial College London, Manchester and UBC alumnus, he has been dedicated and wonderful in supporting this program financially, emotionally and being the computing support.

Felix  – Programmer

We feel extremely lucky to be surrounded by such kindness and from such heroes. Felix, who works at Microsoft, volunteers many hours of expert computing wisdom to help us make the app work and ensure it is user friendly.

Ben – Programmer

Ben has had the task of writing the first app; an app that could do a lot, but be sensitive both to people who may be in palliative stages and not be so familiar with computing.

Sue Wong

Vancouver Hospice Society Founder, Sue, is a fantastic supportive part of the team. Sue has significant experience, wisdom and honesty.

Miguel Guerrero Becerra

Miguel, a graduate of Vancouver Film School, designed and directed our videos with great ability and sensitivity. Miguel lost both his parents at 13 and offered great care and insight into for two short films.


Ruth was a volunteer, whose dad died when she was young. Though Ruth has gone on to other projects, we are delighted that Ruth won a Telegraph British Volunteer Award 2012. Thank you so much Ruth.


Allie, a teacher, experienced the death of her father when young. She has supported the team at RecordMeNow to help others coping with end of life issues by encouraging people to leave something helpful for their children. Allie appears on our video on the main page. 


We have members in Canada, England, Scotland, France, Mexico and N Ireland, and we always want to help. We give talks, support and information about leaving emotional legacies for children. Do please tell us how we may help you or how you may help us.


This app is dedicated to the too-many children who read and re-read their parents’ birthday cards and who carry worn photos, because there is nothing else left – and to those parents who want to give support to their children, by thinking of the unthinkable.

In Memory of the Marvellous

Dr Ed (Adib) Massey, Mr and Mrs Paluch, Mrs Emma Hormbrey

Expert Opinion

Felix Andrew (LinkedIn, USA), Rory Sutherland of Ogilvy (UK), James Leong (Canada), Sydney Foran, Counsellor BC Cancer (Canada), Jez San OBE (UK) – for computing wisdom, and fabulous Piladi, who really know how to live.

Corporate Kindness

Thrilled to be able to thank The Coronas for musical support.


Interesting Vancouver Award 2016

Outstanding Philanthropist shortlist, National Philanthropy Day, Vancouver, 2013

Attendees’ Choice, Best Research Poster, BC Palliative Care Hospice Association Conference,  2013

Telegraph Newspaper Volunteer of the Year Award (for Ruth)  2012

from left: James, Allie, Ruth, Gaby and Peter
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