We have made a free, downloadable App, so you can leave helpful video messages for your children and family after your death. The question-prompting, video-recording app is available here. Use it easily on your computer or iPhone with webcam. It includes the most important questions to address, based on our research with 100 people. Do this for your family.…so that long after we’re gone, love and guidance remain, so children can live on and feel whole, with more knowledge and less guilt.

Click on the button to download the free App to your Windows or Mac computer, or link to the App Store to download to your iPhone.


Who can use the App?

  • These are available to all individuals for free.
  • Groups, charities, institutions and organizations need to request and receive written permission as our research work and app is protected and copyright. Contracts must be signed by both parties to be valid.
  • RecordMeNow apps are free and may never be sold on or passed off as from another organization. 
  • RecordMeNow must be acknowledged clearly in all material.
  • Permission is not granted for any part of any sale or work project.

How do I install on Windows?

  1. Click the “Download RecordMeNow for Windows” button to begin the download.
  2. When asked whether to Run or Save RecordMeNow-Win.exe, click Run.
  3. If you receive a message “RecordMeNow-Win.exe is not commonly downloaded…”, click “Actions” then “Run Anyway”.
  4. Follow the standard Windows prompts that follow to download and install the App (click “Yes”, “Next” or “Install” when prompted).
  5. To run the App, double click the RecordMeNow icon on your desktop
  6. If you find your machine not accepting the download, you may need to OK the app in your firewall security settings

How do I install on Mac?

  1. Click the “Download for Mac” button.  This will download the App to your Downloads folder.
  2. Move the RecordMeNow app from your Downloads folder to your Applications folder (use the Finder to do this).
  3. Copy the RecordMeNow icon from your Applications folder to the Dock.
  4. To run the App click on the RecordMeNow icon on the Dock.
  5. If you find your machine not accepting the download, you may need to OK the app in your firewall security settings.

How do I get started once the App?

Download the RecordMeNow App for your computer. Look through the supplied questions and begin. You can do a section or a question at a time, or do all the questions in one sitting. You can add or delete any questions to make it just right for you. Make it how you want it to be.

Why should I do this?

For the people, especially any children, who may be left behind. We are very lucky to be living in an age when personal information can be kept in a safe personable very “live” format. You can make a memory stick, put it away for safekeeping and make another one in a few years time. Our research group yearned to see their family even if just answering a few questions – to see them, hear them and feel thought about.

What if I mess up?

You can record and re-record as often as you like until you are happy with the results. Any questions you do not answer will not appear in your photo gallery or on your memory stick.

When should I do this?

Do it now or sooner! Almost none of us think we will die soon, so we often think we will be old and procrastinate about preparing for death. Or we think that we will write letters when we are very sick, which is the very time we may feel less up to it. Many of us will die suddenly in road accidents or from fairly fast onset conditions. Every 13 minutes in the U.S a person dies in a car accident. Please, do this now – if you get to record more in 5 years, great !

Do I record just one or a few?

Do as few or as many as you like. Some people have chosen to record one copy – others do different recordings for each child, a spouse and their parents. It is all completely up to you.

Isn’t this morbid?

Not at all. This is just the same as buying house or car insurance. We hope we will live long lives but we do it just in case… this acts as emotional insurance for our children and loved ones.

I am suicidal – may I do this?

No, if you are depressed or suicidal, RecordMeNow will not work. If you feel you wish to die and your thoughts include how you might take your own life, it is essential that you get some help. You matter. Please find someone to talk to whom you know and trust NOW – A relative, a friend, your doctor or a counsellor. Go see or call them straight away.

Why can I only see a few questions on me?

Once in the app, you will have the option of some pull-down lists of questions. Click and pulldown and you will see and may select the others. We have made it like this to make it more comfortable for you to use – section by section. You can add, edit or delete as you like. You can also populate it with person-specific questions you or your family would like to see answered.

Why are there questions about death? Can I skip them?

Questions are based on research with over 100 people bereaved during childhood. The questions are grouped for ease. You can skip any questions you like or add any. Questions exist here about death because people bereaved as children wanted them answered; they wanted to know how their parent felt and how their parent wanted them to grieve or move on. For children whose parents die, it is helpful that they understand death is part of the life cycle and that you love them very much but will not be coming back. Essentially though, only answer the questions you want to.

I am being charged for this – is that right?

No. We at RecordMeNow.org have made this to be completely free of charge to individuals. If you are ever asked for money or donations for this by a third party, please refuse, call the police and email us the details straight away. It is owned and managed freely directly from RecordMeNow.

Are there Terms and Conditions to use the App?

When you first use the RecordMeNow App on your computer or phone, you will be shown and asked to agree with our Terms and Conditions. You can also read these here.

Do you have any religious/political or specific views?

None whatsoever, we are affiliated to no organizations – we just think this is a good idea whose time has come. Our questions came solely from the research from 100 people whose parents died when they were very young.We would like to support you to leave a wholesome message for family and friends that simply suits you and supports them. We are not affiliated to any other organization whatsoever and our Board is made up of a very lovely doctor, teacher, lawyer and hospice founder.

Can my charity/university/group etc use this?

RecordMeNow is available for free to individuals for your personal use. Groups, charities, institutions and organizations need to request permission as all our research and app work is protected and copyright. Check with us directly to see if we give permission for your organization. Organizations need to honour and publicly acknowledge our involvement and contribution. Currently no charities or universities have signed permission to use us. A number of ALS and Huntingdon’s summer retreat projects have our permission. If your organization gives you a disc or memory stick with our work and without acknowledging us or worse just says this is from them, please do contact us.

When should the video footage be played?

You can use the video recorded whenever you like. Some people replay it while they are alive to share their story – taking comfort in seeing their story and messages listened to. Others leave it with their Will to enable people to dip into wisdom and stories after death.Do take advice from a counsellor or physician if a child is grieving and young, as very early on, very young children under 6, may have ‘magic thinking’ about the dead parent and might not understand yet but will benefit from it in the future.

Who can see what I record ?

Only the people you decide to show it to or send it to. You may wish to send copies to other family members or put details with your Will. You may wish to write on the memory stick /disc with a permanent marker or put it in a marked envelope so it is easily found. We have no access to anything you record. Please take good care to keep it and please leave a note with your lawyer or Will to tell people about the disc.

Where should I keep the finished recording?

Leave your memory stick in a findable place or leave details of its whereabouts and who it is for in your Will. Some people have chosen to go through the document together with loved ones in advance of their death so they can ask any additional questions. Do what you and your family are comfortable with. It is made for you.

Do remember that some gadgets are password protected so ideally store what you want to share on a memory stick or send it in email to those you love and make it for. To avoid the loss of memory stick in the case of a natural disaster, we recommend that you may like to leave a copy with someone physically far away too.

Who funded this?

We funded this – 2 individuals involved with RecordMeNow funded this, additionally one philanthropist funded the creation of the iPhone app and one company gave PR support. The board are all volunteers and 1 programmer coded for free –  no-one else funded this. Pretty good, no?!

Can I give a donation?

Certainly ! You are more than very welcome to give a contribution to us and we promise to use it carefully and properly – Having said that, we most want you to make the memories you want for your loved ones or just for you, to reflect on your life. If you wish to leave us something, we are Recordmenow.org and a registered not for profit society based in Canada ; active globally.  Please contact director@recordmenow.org for any more information and thank you very very much.

How else can we thank you for doing this?

Please encourage your friends and family to do this – the more people we have recording memories and messages for children and loved ones, the more children and loved ones will emotionally benefit.

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